Parent Teacher Association

Being a parent or carer of a child who attends Scotch Orchard Primary School automatically makes you a member of our PTA.

A PTA is a Parent Teacher Association, an organisation with a mission to make the school a better place for children to learn. Scotch Orchard Primary PTA brings together parents, teachers and children to raise funds and strengthen the school community. Money raised is usually spent on things that the school budget does not cover.

Our PTA is made up of parent volunteers and staff who meet to organise events to raise valuable funds for the school. New participants are always warmly welcomed and we are very grateful for any support that people can offer, no matter how much or how little time people have available.

The PTA organises numerous events throughout the year to raise funds including: Easter events, school discos, prize bingo, fayres, Animal Experiences, coffee mornings and many more. All profits raised go directly into funding projects in school. Historic items purchased for our school include the traversing wall, gym equipment, travelling theatre visitors, Christmas celebrations, Year 6 Graduation caps and gowns, and coach fares.

Scotch Orchard PTA is a valuable asset to the school and you are most welcome to join the committee or put forward any fund raising ideas to one of the parent volunteers.

If you would like to get more involved, whether it be to help out occasionally or become a member of the committee, you can find out more information by speaking to a member of the PTA committee or by emailing the PTA directly

PTA Parent Links

Head of PTA: Lucy Worrall

Treasurer: Nicky Scott

Secretary: Joelle Booth-Davis