Our Curriculum Intent
Curriculum Vision
At Scotch Orchard, our knowledge-engaged curriculum ensures that our children leave us as passionate life-long learners who are knowledgeable about the world, aspirational and resilient
Addressing Social Disadvantage
Experiences underpin our curriculum. We work collaboratively to provide experiences which challenge and broaden children?s lives and attitudes to the world. ALL children have access to quality-first teaching to reduce inequality and increase upward social mobility.
Working Collaboratively
Through quality circles of professionals, who are experts in their fields, medium and long-term plans have been created to support the implementation of the curriculum. Subject leadership teams at School level collaborate to ensure that the local intent at Scotch Orchard is realised and supports the vision of the school.
Cognitive Science
The long-term plan and medium-term plans have been coherently sequenced to ensure that the principles of how children learn are embedded and exploited through teaching opportunities. Resources have been created to ensure they support this cognitive approach (see 5 pillars below).
Applying Knowledge
Prior learning is clearly identified and developed through progressive planning which ensures and promotes deep understanding. This can be seen across all curriculum areas, within year groups and phases. Opportunities for application of knowledge through retrieval are regular to build strong schema